
Early Spring Wildflowers

Maryland & DC Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (A Pocket Naturalist Guide)
Early Bloomers
Bay Buddies / By Kathleen Gaskell - Bay Journal

The answers to these questions about the late winter/early spring wildflowers—skunk cabbage and jack-in-the-pulpit—can be found in this month’s Bay Naturalist column.

1. The skunk cabbage’s scientific name is Symplocarpus foetidus. Foetidus describes this plant perfectly because it means:

A. To catch flies
B. To rise early
C. To stink

2. The skunk cabbage’s aroma attracts flies and beetles. Because it is one of the first flowers to produce pollen every year, it also attracts another insect with a “sweet” name. What insect is this?

3. What does a skunk cabbage do the snow around it?

A. Creates crystals
B. Melts it
C. Turns it yellow

4. Another name for the jack-in-the- pulpit’s purple and green “pulpit” is the:

A. Hood
B. Spadix
C. Spathe

5. Another name for the club-shaped “jack” is:

A. Jill
B. Spadix
C. Spathe

6. Which of these creatures is especially fond of the jack-in-the-pulpit’s berries?

A. Spotted salamander
B. Chipmunk
C. Wood Thrush


1. C 2. Honeybee 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C

Kathleen A. Gaskell, the layout & design editor for the Bay Journal, has been involved with several environmental programs for children.

Quiz from Bay Journal - Feb 2006

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