
St. Michaels Winefest - CBMM to Host Home Winemaking Workshop

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Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum

ST. MICHAELS, MD - Held in conjunction with Winefest at St. Michaels 2011, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is hosting a Home Winemaking workshop from 10am to 12noon on Saturday, April 30 in the Steamboat Gallery’s Van Lennep Auditorium.

With 38-years of winemaking experience, Ron Sasiela of Easton will take participants through an introduction of both the art and science of home winemaking.

Sasiela is no novice to the culinary field or the Museum for that matter, having previously won a silver-place award in the Museum’s Best-Ever Crab Recipe contest a few years ago. In addition to being an international food consultant, author, humorous lecturer and inventor – Ron is a professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists and the American Wine Society, and believes in having his audience "roll up their sleeves" to better learn the subject – thus the workshop format.

Sasiela has put together a "101" level session for participants that includes information about federal regulations, simple needed equipment, resources for juice, procedures, ageing and bottling. Expect to see how Ron weaves in some fascinating nautical facts about winemaking too – in keeping with CBMM's mission. The session may be topped off with a small tasting of some of his award-winning wines for workshop participants.

Participants are encouraged to register early since attendance is strictly limited to the first 60 registrants. The workshop is free to Museum members, or with the purchase of an individual membership ($55) for one participant, or with a family membership ($70) for a couple. To register, call Helen Van Fleet at 410-745-4941 or email her at hvanfleet@cbmm.org

Press release sourced from:

CBMM to host Home Winemaking workshop during
St. Michaels Winefest

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