Halloween October 31, 2009
OXFORD, Maryland....Halloween trick-or-treating has been scheduled for Saturday night, October 31, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Open to ages 12 and under.
Did you know Pirates once sailed the Chesapeake Bay and Oxford, Maryland waters?
"By late fall 1780 there seemed to be no sanctuary for patriot shipping anywhere on the Chesapeake. "Several of the enemy's small armed vessels have recently," reported the Pennsylvania Gazette, "visited Oxford and other places on the Eastern Shore, Poplar Is1and in the Chesapeake and the Mouth of the Patuxent, on the Western Shore of this State, at all of which places their crews committed the greatest outrages. Not content with plundering the inhabitants of their Negroes, cattle and other property, they savagely laid several of their inhabitants in ashes.""
Pirates on the Chesapeake, A True History of Pirates, Picaroons and raiders on the Chesapeake Bay 1610-1807 by Donald G. Shomette
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