
Flying Squirrels - The Chesapeake Bay watershed is home to both northern and southern flying squirrels.

Flying Squirrels (Pull Ahead Books)
Can you pass this quiz on with flying colors?
Chesapeake Challenge / By Kathleen Gaskell - Bay Journal

They’re here! In fact, in some areas of the watershed, flying squirrels are the most common arboreal squirrel, although they are rarely seen because of their nocturnal habits. The watershed is home to both northern and southern flying squirrels. How much do you know about these secretive squirrels?

1. One of the flying squirrels is very common, the other is undergoing a population decline in much of its habitat. Which is the common critter?

2. Both flying squirrels eat nuts, seeds, fruit and insects. One has a reputation for eating eggs and small birds and rodents. While the other squirrel also eats meat, it primarily consumes lichen and fungi. Which one is the mushroom muncher?

3. Both flying squirrels are found in a variety of wooded habitats. Which squirrel prefers conifer forests? Which squirrel favors nut-producing hardwoods?

4. One flying squirrel is the smallest North American tree squirrel. The other can grow up to 14.5 inches long. Which is smaller?

5. When the territories of the two flying squirrels overlap, as a rule, which is the more dominant species?

6. All of these animals eat flying squirrels. But which one takes the heaviest toll?

A. Black Rat snakes
B. Foxes
C. House cats
D. Owls

7. One of the flying squirrels is exceptionally clean and will neither soil, nor eat in its daytime nest. The other squirrel is not as fastidious. Which is the fussy flier?


1. Southern 2. Northern 3. Conifers-Northern, Hardwoods-Southern 4. Southern 5. Southern 6. D, Especially great horned owls 7. Northern

Kathleen A. Gaskell, the layout & design editor for the Bay Journal, has been involved with several environmental programs for children.

Can you pass this quiz on with flying colors?
Quiz from Bay Journal - Feb. 2007

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