Oxford, Maryland Fireworks Guests at Sandaway Waterfront Lodging will have a great view! |
July 3, 2012
Oxford, MD
The lovely port town of Oxford will celebrate Fourth of July with fireworks on July 3. Sponsored by the Tred Avon Yacht Club, the fireworks will begin at dusk. Watch the display from The Strand. Rain date is July 5.
July 4, 2012
Easton, MD
A traditional Independence Celebration takes place in Easton on July 4. The Easton Carnival is in full swing on July 4, opening at 4 p.m., located behind the Target store. Enjoy a vintage base ball game at 4 p.m. and various musical acts, including The Shades at 6 p.m., and the XPDs at 8 p.m. A Patriotic Program will take place at 7:15 p.m. and the fireworks show begins at dusk.
July 4, 2012
St. Michaels, MD
On Wednesday, July 4th, St Michaels Museum will again sponsor a traditional Independence Day Celebration at the Museum on the corner of East Chestnut Street and St. Mary’s Square. Events will start at 10 AM with a Children’s Parade. Children and parents should arrive at 9:30 AM. We encourage festively dressed participants with decorated bicycles, tricycles, wagons and pets.
At 11AM the Traditional Program will begin with Boy Scout Troup 741 raising the flag and leading a Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag Pole in front of the Museum. A formal program will follow on the north side lawn with a benediction, patriotic songs, and a speaker. This year Pete Lesher, Chief Curator of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum will speak on “The Civil War in St Michaels”.
Following the program the magician John Dodge will perform for everyone. Children’s activities will include the Phillips Warf Environmental Center’s Fishmobile, face painting, games and more. St Michaels Museum will be open with free admission. Refreshments will be available from the St. Michaels Fire Department and the Scottish Creamery.
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Eastern Shore Fireworks - Times, Dates, and Schedules sourced from
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