
Gardeners for the Bay - Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Gardeners for the Bay

Take the Pledge

You love your garden, and you love the Bay. The Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams are in trouble. Pollution from many sources is degrading our water and threatening the habitat of fish, blue crabs, and other wildlife.

With your support, we can Save the Bay. Lend a hand by joining the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Gardeners for the Bay program. Membership is FREE!

Take the Gardeners for the Bay pledge now and receive:
  • Two Gardeners for the Bay stickers to demonstrate your support for healthy water and a clean environment.
  • A pledge card with useful Bay information.
  • Automatic enrollment in CBF's Action Network, our e-mail alert system for important Bay issues.
  • Discounts on merchandise from CBF's online store.
Learn more ways to have a bay friendly garden and yard here!

As a Gardener for the Bay, I will:
  • Conserve water by diverting runoff downspouts and paved surfaces to rain barrels, rain gardens, or garden beds.
  • Plant with native, non-invasive species that are adapted to conditions in my area.
  • Enrich my garden beds and lawn naturally with compost, leaf mold, or other organic matter.
  • Eliminate my use of toxic chemicals (synthetic chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides).
  • Reduce my lawn area by planting native trees and shrubs and enlarging garden beds.
  • Encourage other gardeners to join the fight to protect and restore the waterways, farmlands and forests for the Bay Region.
  • Speak out for decisive action to save the Chesapeake Bay a national treasure.
Remember to consult with your local garden center to find solutions that are environmentally best for your yard.

* I support clean water and a healthy environment. I pledge to avoid toxic chemicals, reduce runoff and care for my garden and lawn naturally.

Take the Pledge - Click Here

Gardeners for the Bay information came from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation www.cbf.org

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