
Boaters for the Bay - Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Boaters for the Bay

Photo: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  The Bay you love is in TROUBLE. Sign the Boaters for the Bay pledge and show your support for a clean and healthy Bay!

Membership is FREE!

It includes:

  • Two handsome decals for your boat & car, which proudly display your support for the Bay and its tributaries.
  • A waterproof card for your boat pledging your support for clean water.
  • Online tips for environmentally-sound boating practices.
  • Automatic enrollment in CBF's Action Network, our e-mail alert system for important Bay issues.
  • Discounts on merchandise from CBF's online store, including hats and burgees.

Other great CBF programs on the water:
Volunteer as an
Oyster Gardener.
Questions? Contact Heather Tuckfield at htuckfield@cbf.org or 443.482.2151.
Polluted waters are threatening our crabs, fish, and oysters. You can be part of the solution
. Join CBF's BOATERS FOR THE BAY program and help protect this national treasure.

Boaters for the Bay

  • Proudly display my BOATERS FOR THE BAY decal to show my commitment to the restoration of the Bay and its tributaries.
  • Speak out for decisive action to save this national treasure.
  • Encourage other boaters to join the fight to restore our waterways.
  • Report abnormal water conditions and marine anomalies. In VA, contact CBF's Water Watchers; in MD, call the Chesapeake Bay Safety & Environmental Hotline (877.244.7229).
  • Do what I can to leave behind cleaner, healthier waters for future generations to enjoy.
  • Practice litter-free and pollution-free boating.

Boaters for the Bay

Responsible boating comes from knowledge and action. Take the pledge and become A Boater for the Bay!
You can help the Chesapeake Bay by incorporating the following items into your boating routine:

1. PREVENT OILY DISCHARGE FROM THE BILGEKeep your engine well-tuned, and place an absorbent pad or pillow under your engine where drips may occur, and in your bilge. Check the pads regularly and dispose of them properly as hazardous waste.

Use an oil change pump to transfer oil to a spill-proof container. Wrap a plastic bag or absorbent pad around the oil filter to prevent oil from spilling into the bilge.

Fill tanks slowly, and use absorbent pads to catch spills and drips. Don’t “top-off” or overflow your fuel tank, and leave 5 percent empty to allow fuel to expand as it warms. Consider installing a fuel overflow reservoir in your fuel tank’s air vent line to prevent bubbling backflow.

Not only is it illegal, but many soaps contain phosphorus, which feeds the excessive algae growth and contributes to the Bay’s “dead zone.” Use Bay-friendly cleaning agents.

5. MINIMIZE BOAT CLEANING & MAINTENANCE IN THE WATERUse tarps and vacuum sanders to minimize debris, and collect all drips for proper disposal.

Use a hard, less toxic, or nontoxic antifouling paint, and use only non-abrasive underwater hull cleaning techniques to prevent excessive paint discharge. Consider dry storage, which reduces the need for antifouling paint and saves money.

Dispose of paints, batteries, antifreeze, cleaning products, oil, oil filters, and other chemicals at a proper hazardous waste facility or event. Recycle paints, batteries, oil, oil filters and antifreeze don’t throw them overboard.

8. MANAGE SEWAGE WASTES PROPERLYUse harbor pump-out stations and shore-side facilities instead of dumping into the Bay.

Keep your trash onboard at all times. Never throw cigarette butts, fishing line, or any other garbage into the water. Take advantage of shore-side facilities to recycle plastic, glass, metal, and paper.

10. REDUCE GRAYWATER DISCHARGESUse a phosphate-free soap to minimize graywater impact on the marine environment, and do dishes and showers on shore whenever possible. Consider installing a graywater tank onboard.
For More Information Visit:In Maryland: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
In Virginia: Virginia Clean Marina

Boaters for the Bay

 Order your Clean Water Kit today!
Planning a raft-up any time soon? Make it count for clean water by using CBF's Clean Water Kit. It will help your raft-up benefit the Bay by showing your support for clean water and a clean Bay.
Did you know...
At times, the bacteria level of the Bay is so high it is comparable to swimming in an unflushed toilet?
The Bay is suffering its own "oil spill" that is as damaging as the Gulf disaster?
Millions of pounds of excess nitrogen and phosphorus pollution  flows into our streams, rivers, and Bay each day, destroying habitat for fish, crabs, and oysters, and causing deadly algal blooms, dead zones, and fish kills.

As a boater, I'm sure you realize that the pollution levels in the Bay are not acceptable. We who live and play on the water need to take a stand.
Let your legislative officials know the condition of the Bay is unacceptable by using our Clean Water Kit at your raft-up!
The Clean Water Kit includes:
  • Signage about the Bay and the Chesapeake Clean Water Act.
  • Informational brochure about the Chesapeake Clean Water Act.
  • Postcards that everyone in your group can send to their senators in support of clean water legislation.
  • A 3-by-10-foot banner personalized with your group's name. (Allow one week for delivery.)
  • Drink koozies for all participants.
  • Green tips for boaters.
  • Tips for promoting your group's raft-up.
  • Free one-year CBF membership* for all participants.
  • 25% discount on CBF's boat flag for all participants.
Showing your support goes a long way in helping to restore the Bay's health. We all enjoy fishing, swimming, and boating on our national treasure. Come out with your family, friends, and boats. Have a great event and help the Bay! Order your Clean Water Kit here or contact Heather Tuckfield at (443) 482-2151.
All you need is a boat, some buddies, and your love of the Bay. Thank you for coming together for clean water!
* CBF membership includes CBF's e-newsletter and other breaking news and informational messages via e-mail. You may change your communication preferences at any time by clicking "Change My E-mail Preferences" at the bottom of any e-mail you receive from us.

Boaters for the Bay information came from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation website www.cbf.org

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